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Sunday, November 30, 2008

In transition

Preparing myself in new organisation will normally make me nervous... who's not? I have been seeking some info on what is the environment, the colleagues, the bosses, the work like. I am not so particular about the work but I am normally more concern about the people...colleagues and bosses. Most of the time we can not change them as they are in the organisation longer than you...confrontational with them is nonsense. Positioning will be the likely approach but what kind of positioning? hmmm.. For term of environment and work, I strongly believe I can position myself well.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

See you later

Two days ago was my last day in Packet One Networks (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (P1). I am leaving this company for a bigger corporation but the size was not the reason. I have learned and gained a lot of experience in P1, not only for my functional professional expertise but also on human relation aspect with the subordinates, top management and especially the senior management from various background, industry, approach and management style.

Myself inP1
I consider myself as a very objective, structured but yet flexible (dynamic) professional. Dynamic in the sense of efficiently plan for effective implementation in the most favourable timely manner. I will always start things with definition by scoping and segmenting the work, matter, issue or project before applying any appropriate methodology in approaching them. Time is opportunity but doing things without adequet assessment of risks is a 'clumsy' decison which will resulted in wast of time due to correction. Discussion is always best approach before coming to any decision but accountibility to the decision must always first be determined before a decision is arrived. I welcome prior decision opinion but condemn critics after execution. I welcome 'Understanding' team work rather than 'Territorial' team work. I welcome customer centric process and procedure and condemn absence of process and procedure. I welcome practical theory but does not agree with blind rejection of theory just because trying to be practical. I will try to spend time to write more about all of the above in this blog.

Lesson form P1
One thing I discover as a member of two top committees in P1 (i.e. member of Management Committee - MCM and Chairman of Operation Team - OTM) is the fact that not everybody is structured and being objective as some of them if not most, focus too much on diplomatic (nicer word for office politics) for their career survival. Almost all senior management thinks that their role are the most important component of the organisation where without them the company will not going concern. In one perspective, it is true but not entirely. Absence of one particular function will kill the organisation but just having only one particular function will definitely not bringing the organisation to success. Hence, nobody is more important than others and senior management must give due respect to each other role in persuing common goal. Respect to each other roles and taking accountability of one's role are two serious issues caused by office politics survival that top management has to resolve.

As much as I do not like this practice, I have to accept that this is the fact of senior management practice in some if not most of business organisation. I have learned a lot on how to position myself without sacrificing my principle of being objective and dynamic. This is despite I consider myself failed in making the organisation more dynamic and being objective. Without trying to pin point at others, the innerself reason is due to my own unsuccessful attempt in managing the senior management towards having structured and strategic mentality due to my own lack of skills in office politics. I have been too focusing on being objective and dynamic thinking that the senior management is matured enough to have that as thier principle of management and office politics is at very minimal level. I was wrong and was not prepared for that but as I said, it was a good lesson for me.

Things that make me reluctant to leave..
The team that I have formed comprised of young talent but have very high commitment, dedicated, capable, passionate and always drive towards acquiring best practices. Other than their strengths, I am worried about their future in the organisation because their strength is not accompanied with empowerment due to the lack of seniority of their level in the organisation. In the absence of this, thier new leader must take serious attention in preparing clear scope of work and well defined roles and responsibility while continue to guide and coach them with strong working principles and methodology in their quest to complete their jobs instead of leaving them with mere timelines and target. Their morale is not at their best and I just hope the supervisor will do something to improve it.

The top management, P1 CEO and Group CEO on the other hand, from my observation have been so supportive of my ideas especially more after my resignation. I can see a lot of my concerns have started to be put high consideration lately and pressure on senior management to be more objective, strategic and structured has menifested quite obviously.

Move on...
Nevertheless, I still think it is best for me to move on to improve myself in the new organisation which I believe will bring me to another level of experience and knowledge so that I can contribute excellent practice in my endeavour to the next career path.

I hope the best for P1 and for my former team members, I wish for the best of their career and God's Will, will surely cross our path again in the future.


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