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Monday, May 20, 2013

Apakah pilihanku - I

1) saya sayangkan kemewahan tapi lebih sayangkan akhlaq - jadi biarlah tak mewah tapi mohon dianugerahi akhlaq yang baik;

2) saya sayangkan kebebasan tetapi lebih sayangkan keimanan - jadi biarlah terbelenggu dengan hukum Allah dari bebas melakukan kerosakkan;

3) saya sayangkan Melayu tapi lebih sayangkan Islam - kerana Melayu tak perlu dipertahankan sbb jika dilahirkan Melayu mustahil akan mati menjadi bukan Melayu, sebaliknya Islam perlu dipetahankan sbb jika dilahirkan muslim tak mustahil mati dalam keadaan murtad;

4) saya sayangkan keamanan tapi lebih sayangkan kebenaran - jadi biarlah tak aman dalam memperjuangkan kebenaran dari hidup aman dalam kepalsuan dan penipuan

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Story about Alicia, an Australia girl in UAE

I foresee this posting will go viral very fast and hope those who circulate it be responsible and understand the consequences.

If this story is in fact the truth, the world needs to know the cruelty of what had happened there...the emirates police authority, the hotel management, the Australian embassy and even the emirates judiciary body shd all be equally responsible of what had happened and all are at crime.

First of all, non-muslim are not subject to syariah law unless he or she choose to.

2nd of all, the fact that after colonization of western invaders, the syariah law was totally alienated globally by secularist and the systems were undermined for long period of time even unto muslim community.

Allow me to elaborate and hope everybody is open to hear. Before colonization era, Muslims held strong to their faith and the faith went across daily life beyond religious activities in Masjid which include political ideology, social behaviour and culture, education, science, invention, medicine, philosophy, mathematics, economics doctrines, financing, trade, taxataion and zakat, judicial process, governing policy apart from ceremonial and customary event like death, birth, marriage and inheritance of family assets. These systems and way of life had kept the nation and its subject live peacefully even in just and fair society which some of them are multi-ethnic/religous community (NB: the subjects includes Muslims, Christians and Jews).

During occupation, colonial regimes have intentionally distance the Muslim ummah/community from Islamic political systems, economic doctrine and judiciary structure and leaving the community with only marriage affairs, death and customary activities. Why?.. to alienate and undermine these systems even to muslim community to ensure that they (the community) do not hold strong to their faith and value which might be a threat to the colonial regime ideology. The long period of colonization not only sucking up the wealth and resources of the countries they invaded but the very fundamental value of the people of these countries which used to be their strength had also systematically been destroyed to ensure long lasting stay of the so called post-colonial regime to keep in power. This long abandonment of the knowledge and information and the killing of the scholars by the colonial and regime left by them had caused the systems to be almost irrelevant to be implemented to the whole wide world. However, deep inside these muslim communities which were divided into several countries, the sentiment were very strong to regain their glory but after several generation passed they are without comprehensive knowledge and experience.

Some elite Muslims with western education in several countries a the same time, have been having their own plan to inherit the nation by manipulating with the sentiment of the people.

After independent from colonial countries, reintroduction of the syariah law to muslim ummah by some muslim countries were rushed by radical Islamic movement especially the Wahabbis Saudis (Saudi Nasionalist) and those countries under their influence which caused bad reputation to the Islamic law systems. This happened due to lack of knowledge by its practitioners - the judges, the lawyers, the registrar etc.

Slowly, all Islamic systems are crawling back to show that its systems is justified, relevant, fair and just to the entire social structure and this manifested with the latest development of the embrace of Islamic Financing (which is just one of the branch of Islamic economics) especially by the western countries as they are finding their way out from the economics turbulence they are facing. However, this is still an option to the non-muslim to choose between conventional financing and Islamic financing. For non-muslim, it is about the system for the end game which is fair and just social structure, but for Muslim it is more than that, it is about faith.

The slow, structured, diligent re-development of Islamic economics system was not happening the same way and same momentum with the Islamic law as mentioned above with the Wahabbis Saudis (Saudi nationalist) taking advantage of the muslim community sentiment to their advantage by rushing into its implementation.

The wahabbis saudi who themselves are installed by British without any war for independent had rushed in implementing them just to get support from its people leveraging on sentiment that going strong among the community. They also influence Arab world to force the law to be enforced without sufficient knowledge.

The Ikhwanul Muslimin or Muslim brotherhood movement on the other hand had long tries to systematically re-develop all these systems especially for the Muslims and optionally for the non-Muslim to bring the true Islamic value which resulted in fair and just social structure. For the non-Muslim, it is about fair and just social structure but for Muslims it is more than that, it is about their faith. Muslim brotherhood moderate approach of non-confrontational and non-radical which have been successful in bringing back the muslim ummah to its original value is seen as a threat to the nationalist/secularist value. There are two separate muslim nationalist/secularist, one is elite non-arab Muslims who manipulating their community who loves peace too much until they are willing to forego their faith and value scarifying the truth and putting blind eyes for any corrupt practice as long as their material needs are fulfill.  Another one is the arabs who are utterly emotional with their sentiment which is being used by arab tyrant for their own benefit. They uses Islam as their radical tool, wrongly implementing the law onto their people but they themselves lives in sin with women, liquor and excessive spending of their wealth. Apart from letting the arabs to continue their excessive hatred against the west which had caused the emergence of terrorist simplicity mentality like the Taliban, they have also using their wealth to portray those that really wanted to bring back the true value of Islam as fundamentalist and labelled them as terrorist movement instead..

Let us come back to UAE, as a result of non-systematic re-development of the system due to lack of knowledge and experience practitioners caused by radical approach rushing into it, some loop-holes were leveraged by opportunists and criminals. Not only the Emirates government should be responsible of what has happened to Alicia and all other similar cases if any, but the politician and administrative personnel in this case Australian Embassy is equally responsible. The Emirates authority must look into the implementation of the system in a very detailed, knowledgeable and structured manner as the punitive measure in applying Islamic law is not as simple as they might thought as the way the Wahabbis Saudi and the terrorist Taliban teaches them.

Other than non-Muslim is not subject to Islamic law and it is an option for them to choose, the law is trying to be fair to both the accuser and those that are being accused. 4 witnesses is only the first step towards justifying the claim. The carefully developed syariah law does provide few other steps apart from the first step to prove the claim all the way until the used of evidence like sperm cement, chronology of event etc. But this option is done with full discrete to avoid any shameful effect to both the accuser and those that being accused what ever the outcome the verdict may be. As much as it is natural for people to see and sympathies with the accuser as the victim, but not many see the possibility of the one being accused as victim. Hence, the law is such to ensure both accuser and the one being accused could channel to argument. Why 4 witnesses is the first step? It is because, the systems does not allow people to simply make accusation without proof. But the Syariah law practitioners must not only stop there if there is no 4 witnesses and make conclusion from there to end at punitive measure but must also proceed with several other steps to make a fair and just judgement.

I am glad I live in Malaysia which have multi-religion community because as much as I support such systems and believe them as the most just and fair systems be it judicial, political, social or economical, but to implement such system must be done with full diligent, knowledge, systematical, responsible, accountable, consultative and to be fair to not only the muslims but also to non-muslim as much. In the case of judicial matter, the implementation of syariah law should not only be about the interpretation of the law but also a) the process on how the enforcement against the crime, wrong doing and corrupt practice, b) judiciary process in the court and c) the outcome process i.e. if there is punitive measure required, how should it be done in the most fair and just manner according to the law and if those involve were acquitted, how should they be protected and defended.

My conclusion is please do not make condemnation to such law as that relates to the faith of the muslim and for Muslim, their faith is fundamental. The condemnation or constructive criticism should be against the implementor of the law be it from enforcement or judicial aspects of the country. In the case of Alice in UAE, again if the claim is true, regardless whether it is genuine or false accusation, the UAE authority is at fault in the aspect of enforcement, judicial process and the punitive measure as much as Australian embassy irresponsible action towards its own citizen abroad and also the un-ethical act of the hotel management

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The act of 'samseng' become common in Malaysian politics - who is the winner

Malaysian politics scene has lately shown ugly behaviour among the followers of participating parties. Our observation of 'Samseng' act (Gangster-ism) via video uploaded in are worrying.

I have tried to quantify this phenomena by using words / phrases search approach related to Malaysian politics "samseng" behaviour. The methodology is shared at the end of this article.

Among those words/phrases used to search and counted in the first page of founded video are:

  • Samseng PKR
  • Samseng PAS
  • Samseng DAP
  • Samseng UMNO
  • Samseng MCA
  • Samseng MIC
  • Samseng Perkasa
  • Samseng Dong Jong
  • Samseng Hindraft

We found that PKR has the highest number of video with act of 'samseng' among PR (13 video) after running all the search phrases with search phrase "Samseng PKR" as the highest (10 of 13). DAP has 5 videos, PAS has 2 while PR in general has 1. Total act of 'samseng' video for PR is 21. (see figure 1)

figure 1

In BN, 'samseng' act video of BN-UMNO keep on appearing for almost all phrases used with 'samseng UMNO' phrase showing the highest with 17 of total 55 videos showing BN-UMNO 'samseng' act. 'Samseng' act by BN in general is second with 4 video and act by other parties within BN having 1 video. Total video for BN is 60 video all together. (see figure 2)

figure 2
Among the 3 NGOs, Perkasa/Pekida have 14 videos with Hindraft having 2 totaling all for NGO at 16 videos. (see figure 3). Video act of 'samseng' by Pekasa/Pekida appear in 3 phrases namely 'Samseng Pekasa' (12), 'Samseng' UMNO 1) and 'Samseng' Hindraft (1).

figure 3
In total, the video of samseng act by BN appear to be the highest by comparison with PR and NGO in almost all search phrases used except 'samseng' PKR and 'samseng' Perkasa. (see figure 4)

figure 4
Perkasa/Perkida is highest with 12 video when 'samseng' Perkasa is searched, BN is highest with 18 video when 'samseng' UMNO is searched while 'samseng' PR is highest with 10 videos when 'samseng' PKR is searched.

All and all, there are 61 videos of 'samseng' act by BN, 21 by PR and 16 by NGOs appearing in the first page of founded youtube video using given search phrases.

figure 5
We really hope that this gangster-ism and barbaric behaviour in Malaysian politics will soon over when the politician understand that intimidation game will never win.


Sebahagian koleksi-koleksi samseng:

Samseng PKR dari Youtube

petikan dari facebook (click di bawah)

Samseng DAP

Samseng Perkasa/Pekida

Samseng UMNO

The following are the methodology used

1) Among those words/phrases used are:

  • Samseng PKR
  • Samseng PAS
  • Samseng DAP
  • Samseng UMNO
  • Samseng MCA
  • Samseng MIC
  • Samseng Perkasa
  • Samseng Dong Jong
  • Samseng Hindraft
2) We then choose only those title that described the act of samseng/gangster-ism committed by the following organisation:
  • PR-PKR
  • PR-DAP
  • PR-PAS
  • PR in general
  • BN-non UMNO parties (other parties within UMNO)
  • BN in general
  • Perkasa/Pekida
  • Hindraft
  • Dong Jong
3) We only choose the first page of the search findings

4) We exclude those video title that are more of 'samseng' act claim/accusation rather than act in nature.

5) Once chosen the title we then verify them by running each video.

6) Only those that are verified as real act of 'samseng' is counted as part of the statistics

7) The statistics is as per 1/5/2013 8:28PM.


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