In all these events, the Jews seek refuge from Muslim world be it during Nazis aggression in Europe particularly in German, Albania and Balkans; or during Spanish Inquisition which so many had been persecuted, some had been forcibly baptized between 1502 till 1700 while many others had been expelled; or even during the bloody killing and massacres of Jews by the crusaders during all the three crusades. Muslims had always prepared to provide shelter to Jews all the times until even at the end agree to accept them to live together with them in Palestine. All because Muslims believe Abraham/Avraham/Ibrahim, Isaac /Yitzchak/Ishak, Jacob/Yaakov/Yaakob, Moses/Moshe/Musa, David/Daud, Solomon/Shlomo/Sulaiman and Jesus/Isa are all prophets of God who tried to lead the people of holy books to the righteous path. That is also the reason Sulaiman Al-Ayubi The Great has earned respect from Richard The Lion Heart for being so merciful when fought against the crusaders because the love he had towards the leader and people of the book even after his own loving sister was raped by one of the crusaders.
Islam world also share their own dark side by some of its regional tyrant rulers in the Hind (India) and Armenia during pre-western colonial but none are against the Jews. Despite their tyranny ruled, the mighty Muslim ruler has never forced their subjects to be forcefully converted into Islam as evidence in India where the Hindus continue to be majority unlike what has happened in Andalus (which later become Spain) and Sultanate of Sulu and its surrounding by the colonial Spain and also by Roman Catholic Empire ages before that where in both the subjects were forcefully baptized else expelled. The only expulsion Muslim had against the Jews was when the Jews had broken the treaty they had signed with the Muslim ended in the expulsion of Jews from City of Madinah during the early days of hijra years.

To them, life of a Palestinian boy who lost his mother who were mercilessly murdered by Israeli rocket is worthless, pain of a helpless woman who lost his children and husband caused by falling wall of their house bulldozed by Zionist forced and 70 years of suffering, need not matter compared against the westerners' sins done against the Jews. It is so weird that their sin now is being paid by the struggling and suffering of the Palestinian people. This is their definition of fair and love.
For the westerners, the history of the world is only valid beginning from the start of the colonization and end with the independent of those countries they colonized, however, history of Israel is a special one which should rooted back during the era of King Solomon and King David. They deny the fact that the Jews and Prophet Moses were thrown out from another land by Pharaoh and in fact a refugee in Canaan's land they called Israel. This is their definition of fair and love.
Yes, just closed your eyes my friend, continue to deny that the murders of children and women never happen, claim as you will that you are devoted with the Lord of Love while you deny the love He order you to spread. Continue to let your hand my friend, wet with the blood of innocence people with excuse that the cruelty are done by Jews not man of love like yourself because what you did are just tying the Palestinian hand, that's all while you continue to let your eyes blind with blood of sins. Reality is, you are a hypocrite. Reality is Lord will curse those who keep their eyes and heart blind alike. Reality is, you are lost with wrong interpretation just as you have always been all along just like those misguided western leaders before you.
Muslims love God Al Mighty the most, they love their prophet Muhammad the most, they love Jesus the most, they love Moses the most, they love all the prophets the most..why? because Muslims not only do what God and the prophets ORDER them to do, but they do what God and Prophets LIKE them to do. Muslims also not only KEEP DISTANCE of what God and the prophets PROHIBIT them but they also KEEP DISTANCE of what God and the prophets DISLIKE. Why again? because the true common Muslims fully believe and deeply in love with God and the Prophets in totality without hypocrisy as all they do are in the name of their Faith nothing to do with desire like materialistic, sexual desire, hatred and revenge.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do,..." - John 14:12.
Yes, this is the return the Muslim gets after hosting refuge to expelled Jews throughout history. Expelled from their own land. Yes, this is the return that the Muslim gets after providing safe passage to King Richard and his crusaders without harm. But unlike those who are misguided and full of hatred, the Muslim continue to comply the "order" and "likes" and keep distance against the "prohibition" and "dislikes" all in the name of God The Most Loving and Merciful, not in the name of desire. Same were expected by Moses to Jews and Jesus to Christians. Muslim hates the wrongdoing of those who oppressed but not to those who are oppressing. Not all Jews are arrogant, bullies and disrespectful, there are still some of those that love Moses and conforming to his teaching; and not all Christians are misled, some still really understand the real teaching of Christ like what was taught to his physically real closest disciples within his lifetime in this world before it was misled by a claimed apostle whom has vision about Christ which were never validated by any of other disciples.
Let these true Christians, Jews and Muslims come to common ground, if you are truly on the righteous path as claimed. Let all focus on the common and distance yourselves from all differences. Let all fight for peace and fight those fought against peace within respective community which unfortunately holding the helm. Continuous suicide bombing against the innocence are definitely not the solution, expanding illegal settlement and breaking treaty will not dissolve the fire of revenge, having the will but keeping silent against all the wrong doing also does not mean you are innocent. Be fair not only to others but to ourselves by doing justice. Keep your promise and hold on to the truth. Admittedly, there are those that have personal agenda with full of dark desires among each of respective community but if each can come together against them by holding on to the true teaching of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, the teaching of peace and compassion, the truth will prevail. Let all correct the mistakes by making right to all not making right to some. Let all have faith in the same God each serves even if all have different concept of the same common creator.
"Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve" - Al-Baqarah:62
"Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it" - Psalm 34:14