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Friday, November 16, 2012

Road to Solomon Temple

  • Iraq invade Kuwait - a small trial by westeners' lobbyist to Saddam to make him as escape goat. Then Kuwait being liberated to the anger of Saddam.
  • Al-Qaeda - 911 attacked on Twin Towers created to justify next action on Iraq and Afghanistan
  • Iraq - excused to destroy without evidence is intentional to orchestra a cautious attitude of the next US government in avoiding to attack Iran
  • Iraq & Afghanistan - training ground for a bigger war
  • Turkey - The intentional allowance of Islamic based government victory without challenged by secular strong military guardian and the government continued political survival.
  • Iran - they are shiats - westerners do not consider shiate as danger - westerners however did not attack Iran. It make believe that the attack will not happen as the previous war on Iraq is intentionally tried to be shown as "mistake". So westerners will not want to make same mistake.
  • Palestine - Hamas won election but Fatah being puppet-ted to forcefully and unlawfully overthrow a legitimate elected government isolating Hamas into only Gaza.
  • Turkey - a small trial to force Turkey show might during war against Kurds whom are made black sheep.
  • Turkey - The intentionally allowance of outstanding economic achievement when others are facing economic downturn.
  • Turkey - AKP success story has inspire other Islamic movement to win via 'democracy' banner
  • Turkey - The Islamic based is made to believe they are now have relatively strong government and influence and begin to protest against Israel on aggression in Gaza.
  • Egypt - an uprising started by a journalist to overthrow dictator which is westerners created puppet Hosni Mubarak - a bait to attract Moslem-Brotherhood to smell thirst for power
  • Arab upspring - uprising now inspired by Hamas and Turkey win in election - it begins with small trial in Tunisia to see the sentiment among public at large. The fight is in the name of democracy
  • Arab uprising - a well planned across Arab countries in the name of democracy - Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain & Jordon. Why Saudi, Kuwait, UAE and Qatar are not affected? Because these are the countries that would support the western countries economically and mostly either wahabist or shiates which both created by enemy of Islam
  • European & US - economic disaster is created to make it look real as tough the world economic problem is not an orchestra.
  • Egypt - The victory of Moslem Brotherhood further justify any of Israel action in the name of self-defense on top of threat from Iran.
  • Gaza - Attack on Gaza to test seriousness of Moslem brotherhood to act beyond diplomatic.
Next expected:
  • Forcing re-visit of peace deal between Israel and Egypt.
  • Annexing Gaza
  • Iran, Turkey and Egypt reacted angrily
  • The ego self-defense US supported Zionist further aggression into Jerusalem to show-off strength.
  • Entire Jerusalem is under Israel and official announcement of OneIsrael without existence of Palestine.
  • Re-construction of Solomon Temple.

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