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Saturday, November 10, 2007

Shah Alam....Capital "CITY" of Selangor??

Eventhough holding the title of CITY in the most develope state in Malaysia - Selangor, there is no clear definition where is the center of the Shah Alam city.

The location of public transport centers or stations and all public offices are too disperse within housing areas, far from city center and even mostly not near any of the township. The bus and taxi station are located at Section 17, Komuter station in Section 19, District Police HQ (Section11), Contingent Police HQ (Section 9), Fire Brigade HQ (Sect U8), and Public wet market (sect 24). Although it has 5 Specialist Medical Centers at 7 locations, Shah Alam is the only state capital city that do not have public hospital. The nearest public hospital is in Klang.

PKNS, hold the rights of almost all of the property areas in Shah Alam that have high potential economic value. This may be the prime reason why all the public facilities and offices are located outside the prime areas as it has lower economic value relatively to having malls, hotels, specialist medical center and tall commercial buildings.

However, Shah Alam as admistrative center for the government that is responsible to take care of the welfare of the majority of its people, should not be focusing too much on physical economic development which benefit directly only to the few i.e. business and rich community. The authority have to menifest that it is sincere to have the city to be meant for its entire population, not only on materialistic economic objective but its social responsibility. Those in power should not only preach to the private sector on their social responsibility when the public sector themselves fail on their part.

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