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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Updated with claimed that MH370 was sighted at Dhaal Atoll, Maldives at 6:15am
If we refer back to my previous article on "MH370 Just a Theory", the claimed by Maldivians that they saw a "low flying jumbo" at around 6:15am on March 8th, has bring us closer to THEORY NO.6 in my previous article which is the involvement of US military as prime suspect that caused the missing of MH370 aircraft.

0:40am - Departure
1:40am - Lost from radar
2:40am - Malaysian Royal military detected unidentified flying object near Pulau Perak
6:15am - Maldivian claimed sighting 'Low flying jumbo'
8:40am - expected maximum fuel consumption - Look at the smallest red radius centered from Dhaal Atoll, Maldives. The maximum radius size based on fuel constraint ended at the location where Diego Garcia Island is right on the maximum coverage line. NB: Diego Garcia also housed US military based where its airbase runaway is long enough for Boeing 777 Aircraft.

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