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Thursday, March 20, 2014

MH370...South of Indian Ocean and West of Perth - Final location?

Since the claimed from Maldivian is said to be false by the Government of Malaysia and Mr Abott, Australian PM said his forced found objects that could be part of MH370 on the southern part of Indian Ocean 2,260km west of Perth, I would like to think that this may be the final episode of the search as the location mentioned is very much within the maximum limit the aircraft could ever fly due to its fuel constraint.

The location is within southern corridor and is at the maximum point of fuel consumption if it is being calculated from last confirmed detection at Pulau Perak of Straits of Malacca which was at 2:40am. (see the smallest red circle).

If this is true, it means the aircraft has crashed around 103.8 degree longitude east and 31.4 degree latitude south.

The next chapter will be the finding of black box while the final chapter will be the investigation findings.

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