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Monday, April 29, 2013

NEP - is it a hindrance to Malaysia unity and justice?

I actually like KJ's response to the first question and he is quite right in his response

The question was asked by I believe a non-bumiputera about how can we have an equal Malaysian (1Malaysia) when we have NEP at the same time.

NEP is not the reason why we can not have so-called 1Malaysia (if the meaning is to have justice to all races) as the very reason NEP was established was to make correction to the social-structure and wealth distribution left by colonial British. It is these very reasons why NEP was established due to the injustice of wealth distribution especially to the Malay majority and the injustice of social-structure especially against the Malays.

The objective is to enrich the uneducated Malays and the poor with capability and competencies to be in level playing fields with their fellow citizen the non-bumiputera i.e. the Chinese which mostly were businessmen and the Indian which mostly the professionals. Second objective is to re-shape the wealth distribution to the poor which happen to be mostly the Malays at that time and still is till today, but without taking away or sacrificing what is already residing with the non-Malays/non-bumiputeras but rather by enlarging the pie of wealth, with both bumiputera and non-bumiputera helping each other in enlarging the opportunity by bumiputera sharing their political will to the non-bumiputera whilst the non-bumiputera share business opportunity and knowledge to bumiputera community.

Without these, our forefather foresee (again regardless whether we agree or not), there will not be stability in the country just like what happen to South Africa, Israel, Zimbabwe, Fiji etc, when the the pre-colonial citizen were denied justice with level of playing fields.

As most of the poor especially the hard-core poor are the Malays/Bumiputera, NEP emphasises on "Malay Privilege" in meeting the objective of restructuring the social structure and these were agreed by our forefather among the major three races - Malay, Chinese and Indian in the social-contract regardless whether our generation agree with it or not. The word Privilege (Istimewa in Bahasa Melayu) used need to be analysed by the Malays as well as the non-Malays in more details. The word is 'temporary' in nature instead of the word Rights (hak). These need to be understood by the Malays that Privilege does not mean Rights especially when the new generation of citizen like us comes into existence.

The new generations will definitely question the - what perceive to be in-equal rights in NEP, whereas it was actually agreed by our forefather due to understanding of the spirit behind it. Lack of understanding about the spirit of it by the new generations was actually foreseen by our forefather. Hence, our forefather when they drafted NEP, realized this reality, this phenomena will going to happen anyway therefore, formulated something like a KPI for them to meet within the framework of NEP. KPI consists of expected deliverable/outcome and timeline. One of it for example is 30% equity among the bumiputera which consist more than 60% of the national population. Our forefather believed that, when all the deliverables in giving justice of wealth distribution and social structure are met within the stipulated timelines, the so-called privilege should slowly be removed to give equal rights and access to all races as 1Malaysia.

Overtime, these deliverable and timeline are like a time-bomb especially if one-by-one of the its deliverable not met within timeline.

The question really is not that NEP as barrier to national unity as it is actually the very reason for national unity but rather the question should be a) the failure to manifest the objective of NEP via failure to deliver the outcome within timeline; and b) the abuse of NEP in enriching small quarter of rich people and ignoring the majority who really need it. The central question is really a) who abuse the NEP? b) who should be responsible if the KPI set for NEP is not met? Answer to both questions are the same... BN led by UMNO.

Saksikan bagaimana PR cuba membetulkan keadaan ini
Rahsia BN Terbongkar. Video yang cuba diharamkan. from valmiki5 on Vimeo.

The ruling coalition led by UMNO is seen not only failed in delivering the NEP outcomes but also making excuse in extending it and also giving wealth to the few cronies. At the same time, the non-bumiputera business community has not been as sincere in delivering their promise in enriching opportunity and extending helping hand in sharing experience and knowledge to bumiputera community. Instead they have been seen as taking advantage of blood sucking attitude of authority (government) whom always hunger for extra money by giving them bribery. These corrupt practices have delayed the deliverables of the NEP and de-railed its objective hence risk of bringing the country to in-stability as foreseen by our forefather.

The question to us now, what should we as voters do about it. Should we give extended time to the 'old' coalition to meet the deliverable or should we give the mandate to 'new' force but  still need to deliver the noble objective of NEP. Ignoring the correction of social-structure and wealth distribution is not the option if PR is thinking doing so.

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