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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Social structure in-justice and un-equal distribution of wealth remains the same is a time-bomb to Malaysian unity, peace and prosperity

Some having the opinion of helping the poor as sufficient to be a fair and just government but I suggest that this is plainly given without saying

But it will still not bring Malaysia to a genuine united Malaysian if we are really sincere in the fight for justice and unity. If the injustice of what was left by colonial British not being corrected just like how the existing ruling coalition failed to do, we will continue be sitting on huge time bomb...regardless under BN or PR.
Malay leaders via PR are seen to be compromising and sacrificing the will that the Malay leader in BN previously enjoy for the sake of a better opportunity for less fortunate regardless races and Malaysian unity but would the non-bumi especially Chinese be also willing to show their solidarity in also sharing their advantage in grabbing the nation wealth to the less advantage Malays, Indian and other Bumiputera ethnicity.
The Chinese have 10% of its Chinese labor forced population having access to high-education enrolment (Diploma and above) across private and public institution due to their higher income advantage (40% of national equity and highest in all asset classes be it wealth, saving, real estate and income) in accessing better education while the Malays and Indians having only 8% and 6% of its respective labor force population. Worst-off, with that high-education labor force population, 4.8% of both respective Malay and Indian graduate failed to get jobs compared to Chinese with only 1.9%. This is despite the Malays still have better opportunity in public office of which without that the numbers will be much worst.

This has nothing to do with competencies and qualification as far as meritocracy is concern as study shows both Indian and Malay graduate have relatively equal competencies with the Chinese graduate. This is actually due to the fact that the Chinese have occupied good and high position as employer in the private sector and business communities throughout the years since independence and prefer to select their own kind while very few really adopt the spirit of togetherness and being opened as Malaysian.  Without trying to generalizing and stereo typing of all Chinese behaving like that, sadly to say most Chinese are. The majority Chinese community need to be more sincere rather than being too opportunistic and must scarify their greediness towards wealth but helps others instead, if they are really sincere about unity. The Chinese community should not make seen as though they are fighting against the current government with the excuse to fight against corruption and abuse of power but in reality taking advantage of the Malay losing their last and only advantage i.e. political will.

The Chinese community should not make themselves been seen as being selfish for their survival in the expense of others. The Chinese community should not take the advantage of the fight against tyranny of UMNO supremacy for their own advantage. The Chinese community should not use full meritocracy for a justice and fairness as an excuse to continue the greediness. Full meritocracy should be applied when all Chinese, Malays, Indian, Kadazan, Iban, Murut especially the Orang Asli, Penan, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit etc. all have level playing field. Until then, meritocracy will hurt the nation more than uniting it. The Chinese community should not acted as though they wanted unity to all Malaysian when they continue to strengthen their separate personality harshly protect their next generation agenda via SRJK(C) right from the beginning of their children mentality. We should get out from ‘living peacefully separately’ towards ‘living harmony together’

Meanwhile, in Sarawak and Sabah specifically, both the Chinese tycoons and Malay supremo, should  not manipulate the disadvantage of the non-Malay-Bumiputera by recklessly and greedily cumulating wealth without any consideration to the needy non-Malay-Bumiputera.

While admitting I am hoping for ideal Malaysian aspiration, I have to acknowledge the selfish, greedy Malaysian will always be there to spoil the genuine unity I am dreaming of.

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