Do you know that facts and evidence are so misleading. Court of law and hall of scientist depend on evidence, proof and witness as facts that leads towards TRUTH. So the scientist reject unknown unknown to accept a TRUTH. Only if there is at least an evidence of known unknown will the TRUTH is accepted.
So if I give example - a rapist (X) has carefully plan to rape a girl (Y) without a single evidence and witness. He actually did that. Unfortunately, no evidence and facts could be brought to court to proof that X has raped Y. Judges make their ruling based on evidence. Since there is no evidence, the rapist will be freed and while the victim will continue be defenseless..period.
Hence, the TRUTH is suppressed simply because there is no evidence even in REALITY only the rapist and his victim know about the TRUTH and the incident is TRULY happened.
So, all scientists and physicians, the TRUTH is actually not about empirical evidence but it is about the REALITY even if it is unknown. Scientists will only focus on HOW things happen that causes to something else to happen or be in existence. Till today, scientist have still not come to the make any conclusion on this evidence on existence of GOD because they to caught-up with the HOWs rather than the WHY.
And for atheist/non-theist, without having evidence (unknown evidence) about the existence of God, The Only Creator, does not make His existence as non-TRUTH. The evidence may never be found ever but still it does not make His existence as non-TRUTH. Failure to proof the existence of GOD is because scientists and atheist have been egoistically refuse to have paradigm shift to "WHY" things happen rather than checking on "HOW" it happen.
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