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Monday, July 19, 2010

Who kills whom?

Before reading the passage below, please understand that I am not stereo typing any group of community including the Christians (regardless of it's denominator), the Jews and Muslims. I do not believe any single community be it race, religion or belief have neither 100% ill-hearted community entirely nor 100% pure 'goodness' community entirely. I do not believe religion is the basis and root of bloodshed, murder and cruelty. Hence, when I refer Jews, Christians and Muslims, it does not refer to the whole community in the entirety manner.

Facts shown that the Jews kills and murder so many Christians including Jesus (as claimed by the Christians). The Roman Christian Catholic kills Jews and kick them out from the Holy Land and continue to murder the Jews till the day of so-called 'Holocaust'. The Jews sporadically lives all over Europe since then. The Roman Christian and Muslims fought several wars in getting control of the Holy Land. All of the above written in western history text book by European historians shows that the enemy was between Christians against Jews vis-a-vis. There was not a single written history nor evidence that the Muslims have killed, murder and act cruelty against the Jews throughout history in the Holy Land of Jerussalem / Bethelehem / Baitumuqaddis.

Question? -
Did the Christians being used by the Jews in getting back their self-pro-claimed 'Promised Land'?
Or did the Jews being used by the Christians to kick them out from Christian lands or the Jews being used to fulfil William E Blackstone's 19th century prophecies in preparing the return of Jesus?

What ever the belief is between these two reasons, the Muslims are the victims between these motives by both Christians and Jews. And that is definitely not fair.

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