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Sunday, July 18, 2010


See what happen when people do not know history. I for sure understand the history regardless from any angle of perspective - western (Christianity), Israel, Jews, Arab, Islam or even Palestines. Eventhough it is peculiar why the American and British have been over protective of the Jews by making Israel the only state that justified their righful rights by referred to and traced history from all the way back in year 3300BCE (Early Canaanites), 586BCE (Iron Age II), 165BCE (Hellenistic period) until 1948 (British Mandate), whereas the rest of the countries are only referred to as early as 1000s CE till 1900s CE. Why are they treated to special? This itself conclude that the conflict rooted deep from religious motive by the Americans, British and Zionis. It has not merely to do with traspassing of land. However, one common point that I found is Abraham or Avraham or Ibrahim is the Father of Nation for Christians, Jews and Muslims. Moses is decendant of Isaac son of Abraham with Sarah (Siti Sarah). Jesus son of Mary too arguably is decendant of Isaac son of Abraham with wife Sarah (Siti Sarah) whilst Muhammad is decendant of Ishamael son of Abraham with wife Hager (Siti Hajar). Well, can we at least begin from this common ground and continue to find common peace rather continue blamming and searching for differences.

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